GSABC and GNBCC's Members celebrate for the 5th time 


For the 5th time GNBCC and GSABC organised their joint flagship event  - this year at the residence of the South African High Commissioner HE Mrs Grace Maison .

The tennis court behind her house was changed into a large party ground with on the sides the music band, the drink bars ranging from all kind of beers including specialty beers, red and white wine, water , fruit juice , local drinks such as palm wine , fresh coconut juice, ginger etc.

Also our sponsors had laid out some of their products or promoted their services on offer on pull up banners as well at tables on the side with their staff members behind.

At the entrance a total of about 200 guests were welcomed by GNBCC & GSABC staff. Walking up to the tennis court one could notice some of the pet white rabbits who were grazing the lawn.

For the official part of the event  the MC of the evening, Mr Samuel Polley introduced Mr Grant Webber, President of the GSABC as well as Tjalling Wiarda, GM  of the GNBCC who both spoke a short word of welcome before the main speakers, her excellency  Mrs Grace Maison and his excellency Mr Jeroen Verheul, the Netherlands Ambassador.

Both pointed out about the importance of meeting each other during this business network event foremost in these  difficult economic times and lauded the good and longstanding relations between South Africa and the Netherlands.  As GNBCC a special thanks goes to our sponsors Access Bank, Adonai Shipping, Conship, CWT Commodities, Fincap, Ghana Textiles / Vlisco, Ntrakwah & Co, ONE Shipping, People’s Pension Trust.

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