STAFF FEATURE: Akwasi Dampson (Financial Officer, GNBCC)


STAFF FEATURE: Akwasi Dampson (Financial Officer, GNBCC)

Introducing Akwasi Dampson, Financial Officer at GNBCC. Enjoy the read !

It’s been a little over a year since I joined the Ghana Netherlands Business and Culture Council (GNBCC).

I joined  GNBCC mainly  as a Financial and Administration Officer for the Private Sector Development (PSD) of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (EKN).

Being involved in several major international projects, including ones with the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation, among others, I had some familiarity with Project Financial Management.

The operations, work culture, and environment, were however different from the previous institutions  I have worked in. In the sixteen (16) months that I have worked with this very capable and warm team and built networks, it has been a very exciting and impactful journey, both professionally and personally.


We are in the middle of completing financial auditing at GNBCC, which is usually a very hectic and intense time for me as the Financial Officer. We are very confident, however,  of the outcome and seamless completion of this exercise thanks to the hardworking staff members and competent auditors.

Another major component of the PSD Project I am working on is the GNBCC IATI Platform for Projects run in the organization. IATI is an acronym that stands for "International Aid Transparency Initiative". It is a global initiative that aims to improve the transparency of development cooperation by making information about aid spending and results more accessible, timely, and comprehensive. IATI provides a standardized format for publishing data on development projects and activities, which allows for better tracking, analysis, and accountability of aid flows.

A very important element of the PSD Project is Accountability, especially in finance. As such, the IATA was chosen as a reporting platform where all projects within the organization are reported for transparency and credibility.



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