Mr Kofi Eba-Mieza Polley- New Board Chairman of GNBCC 


Mr Kofi Eba-Mieza Polley- New Board Chairman of GNBCC 

Thursday, the 13th of July, during the 2nd quarter 2023 Board Meeting, the Board decided unanimously to elect Mr. Kofi Eba Mieza Polley as the new Chair of the GNBCC Board.

Mr. Polley is the Chief Operations Officer of GNBCC's Premium Member, People's Pension Trust .

Mr. Polley has replaced Mrs. Cindy Noordermeer, who stepped down at the last AGM on the 6th of July after four years of dedicated service to the Board. Mr. Polley joined the Board in September 2021 during an online AGM, where he was voted in as a new Board Member along with Mr. Mees van Ojik and Mr. Robert Quartey.

Mr. Polley has proven over the past two years to be an able and excellent Director within GNBCC. We, as Management, have full confidence in our new Chair and congratulate him!!

Tjalling Yme Wiarda, General Manager


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