Crowdfunding The Kitchen by Ghana Food Movement


Crowdfunding The Kitchen by Ghana Food Movement

Dear GNBCC Member,

GNBCC has been co-operating with the Ghana Food Movement within the Private Sector Development programme on the ‘Youth in Food’ project. In this project young people after graduation are trained in soft skills which are requested by the business community to enhance their chances when applying for a job. The programme also supports the young adults in their search for jobs within predmoninatly the horticulture and food industry in Ghana.

Ghana Food Movement (GFM) has started a new project and  is currently building ‘  The Kitchen ‘ , a food education hub in Accra.

It will be a breeding ground for the next generations of change makers in food and agric in Ghana and West Africa.

GFM trains, equips and supports them to build a career in food. From gastronomy, product development, hospitality, as well as farming and marketing of local climate resilient crops!


  • Training for 1,000 young Ghanaians annually to develop skills and knowledge.
  • Kitchen & lab to explore Ghanaian culinary innovations.
  • Food community to connect food professionals to the food & agri community in Ghana, Africa and ultimately the world.
  • Events & dinners to inform, connect and equip participants. From workshops, dinners, fairs, panel discussions and network meetups.
  • Promotion of locally produced products and brands.

They have started a crowd funding for their project, we hereby refer to attached presentation here.


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